Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: What to Expect from the Potential Sequel
The latest addition to the acclaimed Planet of the Apes franchise, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, directed by Wes Ball, has generated significant buzz. Featuring stars Freya Allan and Peter Macon, this 2024 film marks a compelling new chapter in the beloved series. The movie centers on Noa, a young ape portrayed by Owen Teague, who embarks on a thrilling journey and encounters Raka (Macon), a wise ape, and Mae (Allan), one of the few surviving humans.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes has received favorable reviews from critics and performed modestly at the box office, with a total gross of $396.7 million. This success has led to speculation about the possibility of a sequel, with many fans eager to see where the story will go next.
Potential Sequel Insights: What Could Be Next for Planet of the Apes?
At San Diego Comic-Con, GamesRadar+ interviewed Freya Allan and Peter Macon about the future of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes franchise. When asked about a potential Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 2, Allan gave a cryptic response: “I know things,” leaving fans eager for more details.
Both Allan and Macon discussed their hopes for the next film and how the latest installment has set up intriguing possibilities for future storylines. According to Macon, “There are several deeply engaging discussions that should be explored. For instance, what should we do next? While we root for Mae at the end of the movie, there are complex emotions involved.”
Allan added, “It seems like Mae is a polarizing character. She had limited options and was put in difficult situations. What choices do you have in such scenarios?”
Macon emphasized that Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes has laid a strong foundation for further exploration, hinting at potential interactions between characters such as Raka and Proximus Caesar.
The Future of the Planet of the Apes Franchise
With the positive reception of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, there is optimism for a sequel. Director Wes Ball has expressed hopes that this film could be the beginning of a new trilogy within the Planet of the Apes universe. While a spin-off hasn’t been officially confirmed, it is clear that discussions are underway, and progress is being made behind the scenes.
As fans await official announcements, the possibilities for the future of the Planet of the Apes series remain exciting and full of potential. Stay tuned for more updates on Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and its evolving storyline.
Source: GamesRadar+